Theory LLVM_DS_Arith

section ‹Fixed-Width Integer Arithmetic›
theory LLVM_DS_Arith
imports "../vcg/LLVM_VCG_Main"

text ‹Implementing integers and natural numbers
  by fixed-width integers›

(* TODO: Move *)
definition snats :: "nat  nat set"
  where "snats n = {i. i < 2 ^ (n-1)}"

definition max_unat :: "nat  nat" where "max_unat n  2^n"  
abbreviation (input) "min_uint  0::int"
definition max_uint :: "nat  int" where "max_uint n  2^n"  

definition min_sint :: "nat  int" where "min_sint n  -(2^(n-1))"
definition max_sint :: "nat  int" where "max_sint n  2^(n-1)"  

definition "max_snat n  (2::nat)^(n-1)"

lemma in_unats_conv[simp]: "xunats n  x<max_unat n" by (auto simp: unats_def max_unat_def)
lemma in_sints_conv[simp]: "n0  xsints n  min_sint n  x  x<max_sint n"
  by (auto simp: sints_num min_sint_def max_sint_def)

lemma in_uints_conv[simp]: "xuints n  min_uint  x  x<max_uint n"
  by (auto simp: uints_num max_uint_def)

lemma in_snats_conv[simp]: "nsnats N  n<max_snat N"
  by (auto simp: snats_def max_snat_def)
lemma in_range_uint_conv[simp]: "xrange (uint::'a::len word  _)  min_uint  x  x<max_uint LENGTH('a)"
  by (auto simp: uints_num max_uint_def word_uint.Rep_range) 
lemma uint_lt_max_uint[simp]: "uint (w::'a::len word) < max_uint LENGTH('a)"  
  using max_uint_def by auto

lemma unat_lt_max_unat[simp]: "unat (w::'a::len word) < max_unat LENGTH('a)"  
  using max_unat_def by auto

lemma sint_cmp_extr_sint[simp]: 
  "min_sint LENGTH('a)  sint (w::'a::len word)"  
  "sint (w::'a::len word) < max_sint LENGTH('a)"  
  unfolding max_sint_def min_sint_def using sint_range' by auto 
definition snat :: "_::len2 word  nat" where "snat  nat o sint"

(* TODO: Move *)       
lemma not_bin_nth_if_less: "0i; i<2^n  ¬(bin_nth i n)"
  apply auto
  using bintrunc_mod2p nth_bintr by force
lemma snat_zero[simp]: "snat 0 = 0" by (auto simp: snat_def)
lemma snat_one[simp]: "snat (1) = 1" by (auto simp: snat_def)
lemma snat_numeral[simp]:
  fixes b
  defines "w::'a::len2 word  numeral b"
  defines "n::nat  numeral b"
  assumes A: "n<max_snat LENGTH('a)"
  shows "snat w = n"    
proof -  
  have MSB: "¬msb w" using A
    apply (simp add: w_def n_def max_snat_def not_bin_nth_if_less)
    apply (rule not_bin_nth_if_less)
    apply simp
    by (metis of_nat_less_iff of_nat_numeral semiring_1_class.of_nat_power)
  have "snat w = nat (sint w)" by (simp add: snat_def)
  also have "sint w = uint w" using MSB by (simp add: sint_eq_uint)
  also have " = numeral b mod 2^LENGTH('a)" unfolding w_def by (rule uint_numeral)
  also have " = numeral b" 
  proof (rule mod_pos_pos_trivial)
    have "int n < int (Suc 1 ^ len_of (TYPE('a)::'a itself))"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms(3) diff_le_self lessI max_snat_def numerals(2) of_nat_less_iff order_less_le_trans power_increasing_iff)
    then show "(numeral b::int) < 2 ^ len_of (TYPE('a)::'a itself)"
      by (simp add: n_def)
  qed simp
  finally show ?thesis unfolding n_def by simp

abbreviation (input) "word_len  λ_::'a::len0 word. LENGTH('a)"

lemma snat_lt_max_snat[simp]: "snat w < max_snat (word_len w)"
  by (auto simp: snat_def max_snat_def sint_range')
subsection ‹Constant Folding›  
   TODO: No idea how complete these are 
lemmas llvm_num_const_simps[llvm_pre_simp] 
  = Num.arith_simps power_numeral pred_numeral_simps power_0
    arith_special numeral_One[symmetric]

subsection ‹Reflection of Maximum Representable Values›  
definition ll_max_uint :: "'l::len word llM" where [llvm_inline]: "ll_max_uint  ll_sub 0 1"
definition ll_max_sint :: "'l::len2 word llM" where [llvm_inline]: "ll_max_sint  doM {r  ll_max_uint; ll_lshr r 1}"
(* TODO: ll_min_sint! *)
definition ll_max_unat :: "'l::len2 word llM" where [llvm_inline]: "ll_max_unat  ll_max_uint"

definition [llvm_inline]: "ll_max_snat  ll_max_sint"

lemma word_of_int_max_uint: "(word_of_int (max_uint LENGTH('l::len))::'l word) = 0"
  unfolding max_uint_def by simp

lemma uint_minus_1: "uint (- 1::'l::len word) = max_uint LENGTH('l) - 1"
  unfolding max_uint_def
  by (simp add: mask_eq_exp_minus_1 unsigned_minus_1_eq_mask)

context llvm_prim_arith_setup begin  

lemma ll_max_uint_simp[vcg_normalize_simps]: "(ll_max_uint::'l::len word llM) = Mreturn (word_of_int (max_uint LENGTH('l) - 1))"
  unfolding ll_max_uint_def max_uint_def
  apply vcg_normalize

lemma len_neq_one_conv: 
  "LENGTH('l::len)  Suc 0  (n. LENGTH('l) = Suc (Suc n))"
  apply auto
  by (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred' len_gt_0 neq0_conv)
lemma word_of_int_div2: "0w  w<2^LENGTH('a)  word_of_int w div (2::'a::len word) = word_of_int (w div 2)"  
  by (force simp add: word_uint_eq_iff uint_word_of_int uint_div bintrunc_mod2p) 

lemma word_of_int_shr1: "0w  w<2^LENGTH('a::len)  (word_of_int w :: 'a word) >> Suc 0 = word_of_int (w div 2)"
  by (auto simp: shiftr1_is_div_2[simplified] word_of_int_div2)

lemma ll_max_sint_aux1: "((4::int) * 2 ^ n - 1) div 2 < 4 * 2 ^ n" 
proof -
  have "((4::int) * 2 ^ n - 1) < (4::int) * 2 ^ n" by auto
  hence "((4::int) * 2 ^ n - 1) div 2  ((4::int) * 2 ^ n) div 2" by auto
  also have " < 4 * 2^n" by auto
  finally show ?thesis .
lemma ll_max_sint_simp[vcg_normalize_simps]: "(ll_max_sint::'l::len2 word llM) = Mreturn (word_of_int (max_sint LENGTH('l) - 1))"
  unfolding ll_max_sint_def 
  apply vcg_normalize
  by (metis One_nat_def diff_0 mask_eq_exp_minus_1 mask_full max_sint_def of_int_numeral of_int_power order.refl shiftr_mask2 word_of_int_max_uint)

lemma ll_max_uint_rule[vcg_rules]: "llvm_htriple  (ll_max_uint::'l::len word llM) (λr. (uint r = max_uint (LENGTH('l)) - 1))"
  supply [simp] = max_uint_def zmod_minus1 uint_word_ariths
  unfolding ll_max_uint_def max_uint_def
  by vcg'
lemma ll_max_sint_rule: "llvm_htriple () (ll_max_sint::'l::len2 word llM) (λr. (uint r = max_sint LENGTH('l) - 1))"
  apply vcg'
  apply (auto simp add: uint_word_of_int max_sint_def)
  by (smt (z3) One_nat_def diff_less len_gt_0 lessI linorder_not_less msb_big msb_uint_big sint_range' uint_arith_simps(4) unsigned_1 word_less_sub_le word_power_less_1)

subsection ‹Signed Integers›

interpretation sint: standard_opr_abstraction sint 
  "λ_. True" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a. op a  sints LENGTH('a)" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a b. op a b  sints LENGTH('a)" 
  "λa c. asints LENGTH('a)"
  by standard auto


method prove_sint_op uses simp = (
  rule sint.is_bin_opI sint.is_cmp_opI sint.is_un_opI; 
  (auto simp: min_sint_def max_sint_def vcg_normalize_simps simp)?; 
  (determ uint_arith; fail)?)  

lemma sint_neq_ZD: "sint b  0  b0" by auto
context begin                                             

interpretation llvm_prim_arith_setup .

lemma sint_bin_ops:
  "sint.is_bin_op' ll_add (+) (+)" 
  "sint.is_bin_op' ll_sub (-) (-)"  
  "sint.is_bin_op' ll_mul (*) (*)"  
  "sint.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. b0  a sdiv b  sints LENGTH('a)) ll_sdiv (sdiv) (sdiv)"  
  "sint.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. b0  a sdiv b  sints LENGTH('a)) ll_srem (smod) (smod)"
  supply [simp del] = in_sints_conv
  apply (all prove_sint_op simp:  sint_neq_ZD)
  apply (simp_all add: sbintrunc_eq_if_in_range sint_word_ariths signed_mod_arith signed_div_arith)
  using smod_word_min smod_word_max 
  by (auto simp add: in_sints_conv min_sint_def max_sint_def)
lemma sint_cmp_ops: 
  "sint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_eq (=) (=)" 
  "sint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ne (≠) (≠)"
  "sint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_sle (λa b. a <=s b) (≤)" (* FIXME: Why isn't <=s and <s proper infix operator? *) 
  "sint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_slt (λa b. a <s b) (<)" 
  by (all prove_sint_op simp: word_sle_def word_sless_def le_less)

lemmas sint_rules[vcg_rules] =  
  sint_bin_ops[THEN sint.bin_op_tmpl]
  sint_cmp_ops[THEN sint.cmp_op_tmpl]

lemma ll_max_sint_rule[vcg_rules]: "llvm_htriple 
  (λr::'l word. sint.assn (max_sint LENGTH('l::len2) - 1) r)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "max_sint LENGTH('l) - 1 = sint ((word_of_int (max_sint LENGTH('l))::'l word) - 1)"
    apply (simp add: max_sint_def)
    apply (simp add: sint_word_ariths sint_int_max_plus_1)
    by (smt (verit) sbintrunc_If signed_take_bit_int_greater_eq_minus_exp signed_take_bit_int_less_exp)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding sint.assn_def
    apply simp
    by vcg
definition signed :: "'a::len word  'a word" where [llvm_inline]: "signed c  c"  
declare [[vcg_const "signed (numeral a)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed (-numeral a)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed 0"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed (-0)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed 1"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed (-1)"]]

lemma monadify_signed[vcg_monadify_xforms]: 
  "Mreturn (signed x) = ll_const (signed x)" by (simp add: ll_const_def)

lemma ll_const_signed_aux: "n0; - (2 ^ (n - Suc 0))  i; i < 2 ^ (n - Suc 0)
          (i + 2 ^ (n - Suc 0)) mod 2 ^ n - 2 ^ (n - Suc 0) = (i::int)"  
  by (cases n; simp)
lemma ll_const_signed_rule[vcg_rules]: 
  "llvm_htriple  (ll_const (signed 0)) (λr. sint.assn 0 r)"
  "llvm_htriple (d(LENGTH('a::len)  1)) (ll_const (signed (1::'a word))) (λr. sint.assn 1 r)"
  "llvm_htriple (d(numeral w  sints LENGTH('a))) (ll_const (signed (numeral w::'a::len word))) (λr. sint.assn (numeral w) r)"
  unfolding ll_const_def signed_def sint.assn_def
  supply [simp] = sbintrunc_mod2p max_sint_def min_sint_def ll_const_signed_aux
  by vcg

(* TODO: Move *)
lemma lt_exp2n_signed_estimate[simp]:
  fixes x::int
  defines "nLENGTH('a::len)"
  assumes A: "ASSUMPTION (n > n')" "x<2^n'"
  shows "x < max_sint n"
  using A unfolding ASSUMPTION_def max_sint_def
  by (smt One_nat_def Suc_le_mono Suc_pred assms(1) len_gt_0 less_eq_Suc_le power_increasing_iff)
subsection ‹Unsigned Integers›

interpretation uint: standard_opr_abstraction uint 
  "λ_. True" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a. op a  uints LENGTH('a)" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a b. op a b  uints LENGTH('a)" 
  "λa c. auints LENGTH('a)"
  by standard auto

method prove_uint_op uses simp = (
  rule uint.is_bin_opI uint.is_cmp_opI uint.is_un_opI; 
  (auto simp: max_uint_def vcg_normalize_simps simp)?; 
  (determ uint_arith; fail)?)  

lemma uint_neq_ZD: "uint b  0  b0" by auto
context begin                                             

interpretation llvm_prim_arith_setup .

lemma uint_bin_ops_arith:
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. a+b < max_uint LENGTH('a)) ll_add (+) (+)" 
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. ba) ll_sub (-) (-)"  
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. a*b < max_uint LENGTH('a)) ll_mul (*) (*)"  
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_udiv (div) (div)"  
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_urem (mod) (mod)"
  by (all prove_uint_op simp: uint_mult_lem uint_neq_ZD uint_div uint_mod)

(* TODO: Remove preconditions! *)
lemma uint_bin_ops_bitwise:
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_and (AND) (AND)" 
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_or (OR) (OR)" 
  "uint.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_xor (XOR) (XOR)" 
  by (all prove_uint_op simp: uint_and uint_or uint_xor)

lemmas uint_bin_ops = uint_bin_ops_arith uint_bin_ops_bitwise
lemma uint_cmp_ops: 
  "uint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_eq (=) (=)" 
  "uint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ne (≠) (≠)"
  "uint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ule (≤) (≤)" 
  "uint.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ult (<) (<)" 
  by (all prove_uint_op)
lemmas uint_rules[vcg_rules] =
  uint_bin_ops[THEN uint.bin_op_tmpl]
  uint_cmp_ops[THEN uint.cmp_op_tmpl]

lemma ll_max_uint_rule[vcg_rules]: "llvm_htriple () ll_max_uint (λr::'l word. uint.assn (max_uint LENGTH('l::len2) - 1) r)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "max_uint LENGTH('l) - 1 = uint ((word_of_int (max_uint LENGTH('l))::'l word) - 1)"
    by (simp add: uint_minus_1 word_of_int_max_uint)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding uint.assn_def
    apply simp
    by vcg
definition unsigned :: "'a::len word  'a word" where [llvm_inline]: "unsigned c  c"  
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned (numeral a)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned 0"]]
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned 1"]]

lemma monadify_unsigned[vcg_monadify_xforms]: 
  "Mreturn (unsigned x) = ll_const (unsigned x)" by (simp add: ll_const_def)

lemma uint_numeral_eq_aux: "numeral w < (2::int) ^ LENGTH('a)  take_bit LENGTH('a::len) (numeral w::nat) = numeral w"  
  by (simp add: nat_int_comparison(2) take_bit_eq_mod)
lemma ll_const_unsigned_rule[vcg_rules]: 
  "llvm_htriple  (ll_const (unsigned 0)) (λr. uint.assn 0 r)"
  "llvm_htriple  (ll_const (unsigned 1)) (λr. uint.assn 1 r)"
  "llvm_htriple (d(numeral w  uints LENGTH('a))) (ll_const (unsigned (numeral w::'a::len word))) (λr. uint.assn (numeral w) r)"
  unfolding ll_const_def unsigned_def uint.assn_def
  supply [simp] = bintrunc_mod2p max_uint_def uint_numeral_eq_aux
  by vcg
(* TODO: Move *)
lemma lt_exp2n_estimate[simp]: 
  fixes x::int
  defines "nLENGTH('a::len)"
  assumes A: "ASSUMPTION (n  n')" "x<2^n'"
  shows "x < max_uint n"
  using A unfolding ASSUMPTION_def max_uint_def
  by (smt power_increasing_iff)


subsubsection ‹Natural Numbers by unsigned›

find_theorems "uint _ < max_uint _"

interpretation unat: standard_opr_abstraction unat 
  "λ_. True" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a. op a  unats LENGTH('a)" 
  "λop (_::'a::len word itself) a b. op a b  unats LENGTH('a)" 
  "λa c. aunats LENGTH('a)"
  by standard auto

method prove_unat_op uses simp = (
  rule unat.is_bin_opI unat.is_un_opI unat.is_cmp_opI; 
  (auto simp: max_unat_def vcg_normalize_simps simp)?; 
  (determ unat_arith; fail)?)  

lemma unat_neq_ZD: "unat b  0  b0" by auto
context begin                                             

interpretation llvm_prim_arith_setup .

lemma unat_bin_ops:
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. a+b < max_unat LENGTH('a)) ll_add (+) (+)" 
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. ba) ll_sub (-) (-)"  
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ(_::'a::len word itself) a b. a*b < max_unat LENGTH('a)) ll_mul (*) (*)"  
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_udiv (div) (div)"  
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_urem (mod) (mod)"
  by (all prove_unat_op simp: unat_mult_lem unat_neq_ZD unat_div unat_mod)

lemma unat_bin_ops_bitwise:
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_and (AND) (AND)" 
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_or (OR) (OR)" 
  "unat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_xor (XOR) (XOR)" 
  by (all prove_unat_op simp: unsigned_and_eq unsigned_or_eq unsigned_xor_eq)
lemma unat_un_ops: "unat.is_un_op' (λx. ll_add x 1) (λx. x+1) Suc"
  by (prove_unat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
lemma unat_cmp_ops: 
  "unat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_eq (=) (=)" 
  "unat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ne (≠) (≠)"
  "unat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ule (≤) (≤)" 
  "unat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ult (<) (<)" 
  by (all prove_unat_op)
lemmas unat_rules[vcg_rules] =
  unat_bin_ops[THEN unat.bin_op_tmpl]
  unat_un_ops[THEN unat.un_op_tmpl]
  unat_cmp_ops[THEN unat.cmp_op_tmpl]

lemma ll_max_unat_rule[vcg_rules]: "llvm_htriple () ll_max_unat (λr::'l word. unat.assn (max_unat LENGTH('l::len2) - 1) r)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "max_uint LENGTH('l) - 1 = uint r  max_unat LENGTH('l) - Suc 0 = unat r" for r :: "'l word"
    unfolding max_uint_def max_unat_def
    by (metis One_nat_def mask_eq_exp_minus_1 unsigned_minus_1_eq_mask word_eq_iff_unsigned)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding ll_max_unat_def
    apply vcg
    unfolding unat.assn_def uint.assn_def
    apply (clarsimp simp: word_of_int_max_uint uint_minus_1)
    by fri
definition unsigned_nat :: "'a::len word  'a word" where [llvm_inline]: "unsigned_nat c  c"  
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned_nat (numeral a)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned_nat 0"]]
declare [[vcg_const "unsigned_nat 1"]]

lemma monadify_unsigned_nat[vcg_monadify_xforms]: 
  "Mreturn (unsigned_nat x) = ll_const (unsigned_nat x)" 
  by (simp add: ll_const_def)
lemma ll_const_unsigned_nat_rule[vcg_rules]: 
  "llvm_htriple  (ll_const (unsigned_nat 0)) (λr. unat.assn 0 r)"
  "llvm_htriple  (ll_const (unsigned_nat 1)) (λr. unat.assn 1 r)"
  "llvm_htriple (d(numeral w  unats LENGTH('a))) (ll_const (unsigned_nat (numeral w::'a::len word))) (λr. unat.assn (numeral w) r)"
  unfolding ll_const_def unsigned_nat_def unat.assn_def 
  supply [simp] = bintrunc_mod2p max_unat_def unat_numeral and [simp del] = unat_bintrunc unsigned_numeral
  apply vcg
(* TODO: Move *)
lemma lt_exp2n_nat_estimate[simp]: 
  fixes x::nat
  defines "nLENGTH('a::len)"
  assumes A: "ASSUMPTION (n  n')" "x<2^n'"
  shows "x < max_unat n"
  using A unfolding ASSUMPTION_def max_unat_def
  by (metis leD leI le_less_trans less_nat_zero_code nat_power_less_imp_less
      nat_zero_less_power_iff pow_mono_leq_imp_lt)


subsection ‹Natural Numbers by signed›

definition "snat_invar (w::'a::len2 word)  ¬msb w"
interpretation snat: standard_opr_abstraction snat "snat_invar" 
  "λop (_::'a::len2 word itself) a. op a  snats LENGTH('a)" 
  "λop (_::'a::len2 word itself) a b. op a b  snats LENGTH('a)" 
  "λa c. asnats LENGTH('a)" 
  apply standard apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def) done

lemma snat_invar_alt: "snat_invar (w::'a::len2 word)  (n. word_len w = Suc n  unat w < 2^n)"  
  apply (cases "word_len w")
  apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def msb_unat_big)

lemma snat_eq_unat_aux1: "unat w < 2^(word_len w - 1)  snat w = unat w"
  apply (auto simp: snat_invar_alt snat_def) 
  apply transfer
  apply auto
  apply (subst signed_take_bit_eq_if_positive)
    by (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred' bin_nth_take_bit_iff len_gt_0 lessI not_bin_nth_if_less not_le not_take_bit_negative)
    by (metis bintrunc_bintrunc diff_le_self take_bit_int_eq_self_iff take_bit_tightened) 

lemma snat_eq_unat_aux2: 
  "snat_invar w  snat w = unat w"
  by (auto simp: snat_invar_alt snat_eq_unat_aux1) 

lemmas snat_eq_unat = snat_eq_unat_aux1 snat_eq_unat_aux2

lemma cnv_snat_to_uint:
  assumes "snat_invar w"
  shows "snat w = nat (uint w)" 
    and "sint w = uint w"
    and "unat w = nat (uint w)"
  using assms apply -
  apply (simp add: snat_eq_unat(2)  sint_eq_uint)
  apply (simp add: sint_eq_uint snat_invar_def)
  apply (simp add: )

method prove_snat_op uses simp = (
  rule snat.is_bin_opI snat.is_un_opI snat.is_cmp_opI; 
  (auto simp: max_snat_def snat_invar_alt snat_eq_unat vcg_normalize_simps simp)?)  
context begin                                             

interpretation llvm_prim_arith_setup .

lemma snat_in_bounds_aux: "(a::nat)<2^(x-Suc 0)  a<2^x"
  by (metis diff_le_self leI le_less_trans less_not_refl nat_power_less_imp_less numeral_2_eq_2 zero_less_Suc)

lemma snat_bin_ops:
  "snat.is_bin_op' ll_add (+) (+)" 
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. ba) ll_sub (-) (-)"  
  "snat.is_bin_op' ll_mul (*) (*)"  
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_udiv (div) (div)"  
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ a b. b0) ll_urem (mod) (mod)"
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths unat_sub_if')
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
    apply (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
    apply (subst ll_udiv_simp; auto)
    apply (metis div_le_dividend le_less_trans power_Suc unat_div unat_of_nat word_arith_nat_defs(6))
    apply (subst snat_eq_unat)
    apply (auto simp: unat_div)
    apply (metis div_le_dividend le_less_trans)
    apply (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
    apply (subst ll_urem_simp; auto)
    apply (meson le_less_trans mod_less_eq_dividend)
    apply (subst snat_eq_unat)
    apply (auto simp: unat_mod)
    apply (meson le_less_trans mod_less_eq_dividend)

lemma snat_bin_ops_bitwise:
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_and (AND) (AND)" 
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_or (OR) (OR)" 
  "snat.is_bin_op (λ_ _ _. True) ll_xor (XOR) (XOR)" 
  apply (all prove_snat_op simp: unsigned_and_eq unsigned_or_eq unsigned_xor_eq)
  apply (simp_all add: snat_def signed_or_eq signed_xor_eq)
  subgoal by (simp flip: take_bit_nat_eq_self_iff)
  subgoal by (simp add: sint_eq_uint_2pl word_less_nat_alt or_nat_def) 
  subgoal by (simp flip: take_bit_nat_eq_self_iff)
  subgoal by (simp add: sint_eq_uint_2pl word_less_nat_alt xor_nat_def) 
lemma snat_un_ops: "snat.is_un_op' (λx. ll_add x 1) (λx. x+1) Suc"
  by (prove_snat_op simp: unat_word_ariths)
lemma snat_cmp_ops:
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_eq (=) (=)" 
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ne (≠) (≠)"
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ule (≤) (≤)" 
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_ult (<) (<)" 
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_sle (λa b. a <=s b) (≤)" 
  "snat.is_cmp_op ll_icmp_slt (λa b. a <s b) (<)" 
  apply (prove_snat_op)
  apply (prove_snat_op)
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt)
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt)
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt word_sle_msb_le msb_unat_big)
  apply (prove_snat_op simp: word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt word_sle_msb_le word_sless_msb_less msb_unat_big)
lemmas snat_rules[vcg_rules] =
  snat_bin_ops[THEN snat.bin_op_tmpl]
  snat_bin_ops_bitwise[THEN snat.bin_op_tmpl]
  snat_un_ops[THEN snat.un_op_tmpl]
  snat_cmp_ops[THEN snat.cmp_op_tmpl]
definition signed_nat :: "'a::len2 word  'a word" where [llvm_inline]: "signed_nat c  c"  
declare [[vcg_const "signed_nat (numeral a)"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed_nat 0"]]
declare [[vcg_const "signed_nat 1"]]

lemma monadify_signed_nat[vcg_monadify_xforms]: "Mreturn (signed_nat x) = ll_const (signed_nat x)" by (simp add: ll_const_def)

lemma ll_const_signed_nat_aux1: "(w::nat) < 2^(n-1)  w mod (2^n) = w"  
  by (simp add: snat_in_bounds_aux)
lemma ll_const_signed_nat_aux2: "numeral w < (2::nat) ^ (LENGTH('a::len2) - Suc 0)  ¬msb (numeral w::'a word)"  
  apply (auto simp: msb_unat_big snat_in_bounds_aux unat_numeral simp del: unat_bintrunc)
  by (meson le_less_trans linorder_not_less take_bit_nat_less_eq_self)
lemma ll_const_signed_nat_rule[vcg_rules]: 
  "llvm_htriple () (ll_const (signed_nat (0::'a word))) (λr. snat.assn 0 r)"
  "llvm_htriple () (ll_const (signed_nat (1::'a word))) (λr. snat.assn 1 r)"
  "llvm_htriple (d(numeral w  snats LENGTH('a))) (ll_const (signed_nat (numeral w::'a::len2 word))) (λr. snat.assn (numeral w) r)"
  unfolding ll_const_def signed_nat_def snat.assn_def 
  apply vcg'
  subgoal by (simp add: not0_implies_Suc snat_invar_alt) 
  subgoal by (simp add: snat_invar_def) 
    apply (cases "LENGTH('a)"; simp)
    by (metis One_nat_def ll_const_signed_nat_aux2 max_snat_def snat_invar_def)

lemma lt_exp2n_snat_estimate[simp]: 
  fixes x::nat
  defines "nLENGTH('a::len)"
  assumes A: "ASSUMPTION (n > n')" "x<2^n'"
  shows "x < max_snat n"
  using A unfolding ASSUMPTION_def max_snat_def
  by (metis Suc_diff_1 Suc_leI leI le_less_trans nat_power_less_imp_less numeral_2_eq_2 order_less_irrefl zero_less_Suc)

lemma ll_max_snat_rule[vcg_rules]: "llvm_htriple () ll_max_snat (λr::'l word. snat.assn (max_snat LENGTH('l::len2) - 1) r)"
proof -
  interpret llvm_prim_arith_setup .

  note [simp del] = of_int_diff

  have [simp]: "snat_invar (word_of_int (max_sint LENGTH('l) - 1)::'l word)" 
    apply (rule len2E[where 'a='l]; simp)
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_alt len_neq_one_conv max_sint_def max_snat_def snat_def uint_word_of_int of_int_diff)
    by (metis eq_or_less_helperD lessI power_Suc)
  have 1[simp]: "snat_invar ((word_of_int (max_sint LENGTH('l))::'l word) - 1)" 
    apply (rule len2E[where 'a='l]; simp)
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_alt len_neq_one_conv max_sint_def max_snat_def snat_def uint_word_of_int)
    by (metis eq_or_less_helperD lessI power_Suc)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding ll_max_snat_def snat.assn_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (subst cnv_snat_to_uint, simp)
    apply (simp only: uint_word_of_int)
    apply (clarsimp simp: len_neq_one_conv max_sint_def max_snat_def snat_def snat_invar_alt)
    apply (simp add: nat_mod_distrib nat_mult_distrib nat_diff_distrib' nat_power_eq less_imp_diff_less)


subsection ‹Casting›

(* TODO: Add other casts. 

  up/down * su/us/ss/uu

  and su_conv, us_conv
  Some casts might be expressable as up/downcast followed by conv!

context begin
  interpretation llvm_prim_arith_setup .

  definition [llvm_inline]: "unat_snat_upcast TYPE('a::len2) x  ll_zext x TYPE('a word)"
  definition [llvm_inline]: "snat_unat_downcast TYPE('a::len) x  ll_trunc x TYPE('a word)"
  definition [llvm_inline]: "snat_snat_upcast TYPE('a::len2) x  ll_zext x TYPE('a word)"
  definition [llvm_inline]: "snat_snat_downcast TYPE('a::len) x  ll_trunc x TYPE('a word)"
  definition [llvm_inline]: "unat_unat_upcast TYPE('a::len) x  ll_zext x TYPE('a word)"
  definition [llvm_inline]: "unat_unat_downcast TYPE('a::len) x  ll_trunc x TYPE('a word)"

  definition unat_snat_conv :: "'l::len2 word  'l word llM" 
    where [llvm_inline]: "unat_snat_conv x  Mreturn x"  
  definition snat_unat_conv :: "'l::len2 word  'l word llM" 
    where [llvm_inline]: "snat_unat_conv x  Mreturn x"  
  lemma unat_snat_upcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_up' UCAST('small  'big)) ** unat.assn n (ni::'small::len word)) 
      (unat_snat_upcast TYPE('big::len2) ni) 
      (λr. snat.assn n r)"
    unfolding unat.assn_def snat.assn_def unat_snat_upcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def snat_eq_unat(2) unat_ucast_upcast)

  lemma snat_unat_downcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_down' UCAST('big  'small)) ** snat.assn n (ni::'big::len2 word) ** (n<max_unat LENGTH('small))) 
      (snat_unat_downcast TYPE('small::len) ni) 
      (λr. unat.assn n r)"
    unfolding unat.assn_def snat.assn_def snat_unat_downcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def snat_eq_unat(2) max_unat_def)
    by (metis ucast_nat_def unat_of_nat_eq)

  lemma snat_snat_upcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_up' UCAST('small  'big)) ** snat.assn n (ni::'small::len2 word)) 
      (snat_snat_upcast TYPE('big::len2) ni) 
      (λr. snat.assn n r)"
    unfolding unat.assn_def snat.assn_def snat_snat_upcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def snat_eq_unat(2) unat_ucast_upcast)

  lemma snat_snat_downcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_down' UCAST('big  'small)) ** snat.assn n (ni::'big::len2 word) ** (n<max_snat LENGTH('small))) 
      (snat_snat_downcast TYPE('small::len2) ni) 
      (λr. snat.assn n r)"
    unfolding snat.assn_def snat_snat_downcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (clarsimp simp: snat_invar_def max_snat_def)
    by (metis One_nat_def le_def msb_unat_big snat_eq_unat(1) snat_in_bounds_aux ucast_nat_def unat_of_nat_len)

   lemma unat_unat_upcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_up' UCAST('small  'big)) ** unat.assn n (ni::'small::len word)) 
      (unat_unat_upcast TYPE('big::len) ni) 
      (λr. unat.assn n r)"
    unfolding unat.assn_def snat.assn_def unat_unat_upcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def snat_eq_unat(2) unat_ucast_upcast)

  lemma unat_unat_downcast_rule[vcg_rules]:
      ((is_down' UCAST('big  'small)) ** unat.assn n (ni::'big::len word) ** (n<max_unat LENGTH('small))) 
      (unat_unat_downcast TYPE('small::len) ni) 
      (λr. unat.assn n r)"
    unfolding unat.assn_def unat.assn_def unat_unat_downcast_def
    apply vcg'
    apply (auto simp: snat_invar_def snat_eq_unat(2) max_unat_def)
    by (metis ucast_nat_def unat_of_nat_eq)
  lemma unat_snat_conv_rule[vcg_rules]: 
    "llvm_htriple (unat.assn x (xi::'l::len2 word) ** (x<max_snat LENGTH('l))) (unat_snat_conv xi) (λr. snat.assn x r)"
    unfolding unat_snat_conv_def unat.assn_def snat.assn_def
    apply vcg'
    by (force simp: max_snat_def snat_invar_alt snat_eq_unat(1))
  lemma snat_unat_conv_rule[vcg_rules]: 
    "llvm_htriple (snat.assn x (xi::'l::len2 word)) (snat_unat_conv xi) (λr. unat.assn x r)"
    unfolding snat_unat_conv_def unat.assn_def snat.assn_def
    apply vcg'
    by (force simp: max_snat_def snat_invar_alt snat_eq_unat(1))
