Theory Named_Simpsets

  Named simpsets, analogously to named theorems.
  Author: Peter Lammich
    Declare attributes with name of named simpset, instead of one global named_ss attribute!
    Initialize from merge of simpsets (?) This goes into direction of "locale expressions", don't overshoot here!
    Isar-Syntax for adding/removing simprocs
section ‹Named Simpsets›
theory Named_Simpsets
imports Main
keywords "named_simpset" :: thy_decl and "print_named_simpset" :: diag

  subsection ‹Setup›
  ML_file "named_simpsets.ML"
  ML val _ =
    Outer_Syntax.local_theory command_keywordnamed_simpset
      "declare named simpset"
      (Parse.binding -- Scan.option (keyword= |-- Parse.position Parse.embedded) >> uncurry Named_Simpsets.declare_cmd);
  ML val _ = let      
    fun print_named_simpset_cmd name_src bang ctxt = let
      val name = Named_Simpsets.check ctxt name_src
      Named_Simpsets.put name ctxt
      |> Simplifier.pretty_simpset bang
      |> Pretty.writeln
    Outer_Syntax.command command_keywordprint_named_simpset
      "print named simpset"
      (Parse.position -- Parse.opt_bang >> (fn (name_src,b) =>
        Toplevel.keep (print_named_simpset_cmd name_src b o Toplevel.context_of)))
  local_setup I
    #> Named_Simpsets.declare @{binding HOL_ss} (SOME HOL_ss)
    #> Named_Simpsets.declare @{binding HOL_basic_ss} (SOME HOL_basic_ss)
    #> Named_Simpsets.declare @{binding Main_ss} (SOME (simpset_of @{context}))

  (* TODO/FIXME/XXX: Is this the intended way how to add an attribute to simp?*)
  setup let
    val named_ss_mod = Args.$$$ "named_ss" |-- Parse.position --| Args.colon 
      >> (fn raw_binding => {
        init = (fn ctxt => Named_Simpsets.put (Named_Simpsets.check ctxt raw_binding) ctxt ),
        attribute = Simplifier.simp_add, 
        pos = 
    Simplifier.method_setup (named_ss_mod :: Splitter.split_modifiers)
  named_simpset HOL_basic_ss_nomatch = HOL_basic_ss
  declaration fn _ => Named_Simpsets.map_ctxt @{named_simpset HOL_basic_ss_nomatch} (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs [@{simproc NO_MATCH}])
  named_simpset HOL_ss_nomatch = HOL_ss
  declaration fn _ => Named_Simpsets.map_ctxt @{named_simpset HOL_ss_nomatch} (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs [@{simproc NO_MATCH}])

  subsection ‹Examples›

    subsubsection ‹Isar Interface›
    (* Start with cleared simpset *)
    named_simpset bar
    (* Start with other named simpset *)
    named_simpset foo = HOL_ss

    (* Print Content *)
    print_named_simpset bar
    print_named_simpset foo
    (* Predefined simpsets *)
    print_named_simpset HOL_basic_ss
    print_named_simpset HOL_ss
    print_named_simpset Main_ss          (* Simpset of theory HOL.Main *)
    (* Adding and deleting simp rules *)
    declare nth_append[named_ss bar]
    declare nth_append[named_ss bar del]
    declare nth_append[named_ss bar add]
    (* Same for split and cong *)
    declare if_split[named_ss bar split add]
    declare if_split[named_ss bar split del]
    declare if_split[named_ss bar split]
    declare if_cong[named_ss bar cong add]
    declare if_cong[named_ss bar cong del]
    declare if_cong[named_ss bar cong]
    (* Using Named Simpsets *)
    lemma "([1,2,3]@[4])!1 = 2"
      apply (simp named_ss bar:)
      by simp
    lemma "([1,2,3]@[4])!1 = 2"
      supply [[put_named_ss bar]]
      apply simp
      apply (simp named_ss Main_ss:)

    lemma "([1,2,3]@[4])!1 = 2"
      apply (use [[put_named_ss bar]] in simp)
      by simp
    subsubsection ‹ML Interface›
    local_setup Named_Simpsets.declare @{binding foo2} NONE
    local_setup Named_Simpsets.declare @{binding foo3} (SOME HOL_ss)
    ML_val val ctxt = @{context}
      val ctxt = Named_Simpsets.put @{named_simpset foo} ctxt

      val _ = Named_Simpsets.map_ctxt