Theory IICF_Impl_Heapmap

section ‹Implementation of Heaps by Arrays›
theory IICF_Impl_Heapmap
  locale hm_impl = hmstruct prio for prio :: "'e  'p::linorder" +
    fixes prio_assn :: "'p  'pi::llvm_rep  assn"
      and elem_assn :: "'e  'ei::llvm_rep  assn"
      and prio_impl le_prio_impl lt_prio_impl
      and ltype :: "'l::len2 itself"
    assumes prio_is_pure[safe_constraint_rules]: "is_pure prio_assn"
    assumes elem_is_pure[safe_constraint_rules]: "is_pure elem_assn"  
    assumes prio_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: "(prio_impl, RETURN o prio)elem_assnk a prio_assn"
    assumes le_prio_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry le_prio_impl, uncurry (RETURN oo (≤)))  prio_assnk *a prio_assnk a bool1_assn"
    assumes lt_prio_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry lt_prio_impl, uncurry (RETURN oo (<)))  prio_assnk *a prio_assnk a bool1_assn"

      fixes N :: nat
    abbreviation "idx_assn  snatb_assn' TYPE('l) N"
    abbreviation "idx1_assn  snatb_assn' TYPE('l) (Suc N)"

    sepref_register prio

    sepref_register "(≤) :: 'p  'p  bool"
    sepref_register "(<) :: 'p  'p  bool"
    lemmas [sepref_frame_free_rules] = 
      mk_free_is_pure[OF prio_is_pure]
      mk_free_is_pure[OF elem_is_pure]
    definition "hm2_assn  b_assn (ial_assn' TYPE('l) N ×a amt_assn elem_assn N) (λ_. 4<LENGTH('l)  N<max_snat LENGTH('l))"
    lemma hm2_assn_rdomp_boundsI: "rdomp (hm2_assn) (ag, bq)  4<LENGTH('l)  N<max_snat LENGTH('l)"
      unfolding hm2_assn_def by auto
    find_theorems amt_assn
    sepref_definition hm_append_impl is "uncurry2 hm_append_op"
      :: "hm2_assnd*aidx_assnk*aelem_assnk a hm2_assn"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_append_op_def hm2_assn_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_append_impl.refine
    sepref_definition hm_length_impl is "RETURN o hm_length" :: "hm2_assnk a snatb_assn' TYPE('l) (N+1)"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_length_def hm2_assn_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_length_impl.refine
    term hm2_assn  
    sepref_register hm_key_of_op  
    sepref_definition hm_key_of_impl is "uncurry hm_key_of_op" :: "hm2_assnk *a idx1_assnd a idx_assn"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_key_of_op_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_key_of_impl.refine
    (* Optimization *)
    definition "hm_the_lookup_op' k hm  do {
      let (pq,ml) = hm;
      v  mop_map_the_lookup k ml;
      RETURN v
    lemma hm_the_lookup_op'_refine: 
      "(hm_the_lookup_op', hm_the_lookup_op)  nat_rel  Id  Idnres_rel"
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_the_lookup_op'_def hm_the_lookup_op_def
      apply refine_vcg
      apply (auto)
      apply (auto simp: heapmap_α_def hmr_invar_def restrict_map_def split: if_split_asm)

    sepref_definition hm_the_lookup_impl is "uncurry hm_the_lookup_op'" :: "idx_assnk*ahm2_assnk a elem_assn"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_the_lookup_op'_def hm2_assn_def Let_def
      by sepref
    lemmas hm_the_lookup_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules] 
      = hm_the_lookup_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_the_lookup_op'_refine]

    sepref_definition hm_val_of_impl is "uncurry hm_val_of_op" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx1_assnk a elem_assn"  
      unfolding hm_val_of_op_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_val_of_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_prio_of_op
    sepref_definition hm_prio_of_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_prio_of_op)" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx1_assnk a prio_assn"  
      unfolding hm_prio_of_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_prio_of_impl.refine
    definition "parent_valid h i  hm_valid h (h.parent i)"
    definition "parent_valid' h i  i>(1::nat)"
    lemma valid_parent_pat[def_pat_rules]: "hm_valid$h$(h.parent$i)  parent_valid$h$i"
      unfolding parent_valid_def autoref_tag_defs by simp
    lemma parent_valid'_refine: "(uncurry parent_valid',uncurry parent_valid)  [λ(h,i). hm_valid h i]f Id×rIdId"
      apply rule
      unfolding hm_valid_def parent_valid_def parent_valid'_def hm_length_def h.parent_def 
      by auto
    sepref_definition parent_valid_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo parent_valid')" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx1_assnd a bool1_assn" 
      unfolding parent_valid'_def
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = parent_valid_impl.refine[FCOMP parent_valid'_refine]
    sepref_definition hm_exch_impl is "uncurry2 hm_exch_op" :: "hm2_assnd*aidx1_assnd*aidx1_assnd a hm2_assn"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_exch_op_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      supply [simp] = hm_valid_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_exch_impl.refine
    sepref_definition parent_impl is "RETURN o h.parent" :: "[λ_. 4<LENGTH('l)]aidx1_assnd  idx1_assn"
      unfolding h.parent_def
      apply (rule hfref_bassn_resI)
      subgoal by auto
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = parent_impl.refine    
    find_theorems hm_swim_op
    sepref_register h.parent hm_exch_op
    (* TODO: Very specialized workaround lemma, to work around invalid-recombination
      problem for case that B is pure. DUP in IICF_Heap_Impl.thy
    lemma workaround_invalid_recombine_pure3: "is_pure B  hn_ctxt (invalid_assn A ×a invalid_assn B) ax px  hn_invalid (A ×a B) ax px"
      unfolding hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def prod_assn_def entails_def
      by (auto split: prod.split elim!: is_pureE 
        simp: sep_algebra_simps pure_part_pure_conj_eq)
    find_theorems is_pure b_assn  
    sepref_register hm_swim_op
    sepref_definition hm_swim_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_swim_op)" :: "hm2_assnd*aidx1_assnk a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_swim_op_def PR_CONST_def
      (* TODO: Workaround/Hack *)
      supply X[sepref_frame_match_rules] = workaround_invalid_recombine_pure3[where B="snatb_assn _", simplified]
      supply [simp] = hm2_assn_rdomp_boundsI
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_swim_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_insert_op
    sepref_definition hm_insert_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST hm_insert_op)" 
      :: "idx_assnk*aelem_assnk*ahm2_assnd a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_insert_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_insert_impl.refine
    lemma rewr_2kleN: "2*k  n  k  n div 2" for k :: nat by auto
    sepref_definition hm_has_child_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo hm_has_child_op)" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx1_assnd a bool1_assn"
      unfolding hm_has_child_op_def
      apply (rewrite rewr_2kleN)
      supply [simp,dest] = hm2_assn_rdomp_boundsI
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_has_child_impl.refine    

    sepref_definition hm_left_child_impl is "RETURN o hm_left_child_op" :: "[λi. 2*iN  N<max_snat LENGTH('l)  4<LENGTH('l)]a idx1_assnd  idx1_assn"
      unfolding hm_left_child_op_def
      apply (rule hfref_bassn_resI)
      subgoal by auto
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_left_child_impl.refine  

    lemma rewr_kp1len: "k+1  n  k<(n::nat)" by auto
    sepref_definition hm_has_next_child_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo hm_has_next_child_op)" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx1_assnd a bool1_assn"
      unfolding hm_has_next_child_op_def
      apply (rewrite rewr_kp1len)
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_has_next_child_impl.refine    

    sepref_definition hm_next_child_impl is "RETURN o hm_next_child_op" :: "[λi. i<N  N<max_snat LENGTH('l)  4<LENGTH('l)]a idx1_assnd  idx1_assn"
      unfolding hm_next_child_op_def
      apply (rule hfref_bassn_resI)
      subgoal by auto
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_next_child_impl.refine  
    lemma sink_sepref_aux2: "hm_has_child_op (ag, bq) a2'; rdomp hm2_assn (ag, bq)
        2 * a2'  N"   
      unfolding hm_has_child_op_def hm2_assn_def hm_length_def 
      by sepref_bounds
    lemma sink_sepref_aux3: "hm_has_next_child_op (ag, bq) i; rdomp hm2_assn (ag, bq)  i<N" 
      unfolding hm_has_next_child_op_def hm2_assn_def hm_length_def 
      by sepref_bounds
    sepref_register hm_sink_op
    sepref_definition hm_sink_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_sink_op)" :: "hm2_assnd*aidx1_assnk a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_sink_op_def PR_CONST_def
      supply [simp] = hm_length_def
      supply [simp] = sink_sepref_aux2 sink_sepref_aux3
      supply X[sepref_frame_match_rules] = workaround_invalid_recombine_pure3[where B="snatb_assn _", simplified]
      supply [simp,dest] = hm2_assn_rdomp_boundsI
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_sink_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_repair_op  
    sepref_definition hm_repair_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_repair_op)" :: "hm2_assnd*aidx1_assnk a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_repair_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_repair_impl.refine
    sepref_definition hm_is_empty_impl is "hm_is_empty_op" :: "hm2_assnk a bool1_assn"
      unfolding hm_is_empty_op_def
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    (* Cannot do lookup, unless we have option type! 
      → Do contains_key and the_lookup instead!
    sepref_definition hm_lookup_impl is "uncurry hm_lookup" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx_assnka elem_assn"
    sepref_register hm_contains_key_op
    sepref_definition hm_contains_key_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_contains_key_op)" :: "idx_assnk *a hm2_assnk a bool1_assn"
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      unfolding hm_contains_key_op_def hm2_assn_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_contains_key_impl.refine  
    lemma hm_index_impl_aux1: "b  set a1'; rdomp (ial_assn N) a1'; N<max_snat LENGTH('l)
        Suc (index a1' b) < max_snat LENGTH('l)"  
      apply sepref_bounds
      by (meson index_less less_trans_Suc)
    sepref_definition hm_index_impl is "uncurry hm_index_op" :: "hm2_assnk*aidx_assndaidx1_assn"
      unfolding hm_index_op_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (rule hfref_bassn_resI)
        apply (clarsimp simp: uncurry_def) 
        apply refine_vcg 
        apply sepref_bounds
        by (auto simp: heapmap_α_def restrict_map_eq)
      supply [simp] = heapmap_α_def restrict_map_eq hm_index_impl_aux1
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_index_impl.refine  
    term hm_update_op
    sepref_definition hm_update_impl is "uncurry2 hm_update_op" :: "hm2_assnd*aidx1_assnd*aelem_assnk a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_update_op_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      supply [simp] = hm_valid_def
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_update_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_decrease_key_op
    sepref_definition hm_decrease_key_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST hm_decrease_key_op)" :: "idx_assnk *a elem_assnk *a hm2_assnd a hm2_assn "
      unfolding hm_decrease_key_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_decrease_key_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_increase_key_op
    sepref_definition hm_increase_key_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST hm_increase_key_op)" :: "idx_assnk *a elem_assnk *a hm2_assnd a hm2_assn "
      unfolding hm_increase_key_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_increase_key_impl.refine

    sepref_register hm_change_key_op
    sepref_definition hm_change_key_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST hm_change_key_op)" :: "idx_assnk *a elem_assnk *a hm2_assnd a hm2_assn "
      unfolding hm_change_key_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_change_key_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_set_op
    sepref_definition hm_set_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST hm_set_op)" :: "idx_assnk*aelem_assnk*ahm2_assnd a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_set_op_def PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_set_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_butlast_op  
    sepref_definition hm_butlast_impl is "hm_butlast_op" :: "hm2_assnd a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_butlast_op_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_butlast_impl.refine      
    lemma hm_pop_min_impl_aux1: 
      "hm_valid (pq, m) (Suc 0); rdomp hm2_assn (pq, m)  0<N"
      unfolding hm2_assn_def hm_valid_def hm_length_def
      by (cases pq; sepref_bounds)
    sepref_register hm_pop_min_op
    sepref_definition hm_pop_min_impl is "PR_CONST hm_pop_min_op" :: "hm2_assnd a (idx_assn ×a elem_assn) ×a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_pop_min_op_def PR_CONST_def
      supply [simp] = hm_pop_min_impl_aux1
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_pop_min_impl.refine      
    sepref_register hm_remove_op 
    sepref_definition hm_remove_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_remove_op)" :: "idx_assnk *a hm2_assnd a hm2_assn"
      unfolding hm_remove_op_def PR_CONST_def
      (* TODO Hack/Workaround: Prevents b_assn to be degraded when comparing.
        Deeper problem to fix: Do not degrade b_assn, even if operation is on basic assn!
      apply (rewrite at "if _ then _ else _" fold_COPY)
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_remove_impl.refine
    sepref_register hm_peek_min_op
    sepref_definition hm_peek_min_impl is "hm_peek_min_op" :: "hm2_assnk a idx_assn×aelem_assn"
      unfolding hm_peek_min_op_def hm_kv_of_op_def
      supply [simp] = hm_pop_min_impl_aux1
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_peek_min_impl.refine

    sepref_decl_op hm_empty: "λ_::nat. op_map_empty" :: "nat_rel  K,Vmap_rel" .
    context fixes N :: nat begin
      sepref_decl_op hm_empty_fixed: "op_hm_empty N" :: "K,Vmap_rel" .

    lemma fold_custom_hm_empty:
      "Map.empty = op_hm_empty N"
      "RETURN Map.empty = mop_hm_empty N"
      "mop_map_empty = mop_hm_empty N"
      by auto

    lemma fold_custom_hm_empty_fixed:
      "Map.empty = op_hm_empty_fixed N"
      "RETURN Map.empty = mop_hm_empty_fixed N"
      "mop_map_empty = mop_hm_empty_fixed N"
      by auto
    term hm_empty_op   
    definition "hm_empty_op' N  do { mmop_amt_empty N; RETURN (op_ial_empty N,m) }"
    lemma hm_empty_op_N: "hm_empty_op' N = hm_empty_op"
      by (auto simp: hm_empty_op_def hm_empty_op'_def)

    lemma hm_empty_op'_aref: "(hm_empty_op', mop_hm_empty)  nat_rel  heapmap_relnres_rel"  
      using hm_empty_op_aref by (auto simp: hm_empty_op_N)
    sepref_definition hm_empty_impl is "hm_empty_op'" :: "[λ_. 4<LENGTH('l)]a (snat_assn' TYPE('l))k d (λN. hm2_assn N)"
      unfolding hm_empty_op_def hm_empty_op'_def hm2_assn_def
      apply (rule hfref_with_rdomI)
      by sepref
    definition "hm12_assn N  hrr_comp nat_rel (λN. hm2_assn N) (λ_. heapmap_rel) N"
    lemma hm12_assn_fold': "hr_comp (hm2_assn N) heapmap_rel = hm12_assn N"
      unfolding hm12_assn_def
      by auto
    lemma hm12_assn_fold'': "hrr_comp nat_rel (λN. hm2_assn N) (λ_. heapmap_rel) = (λN. hm12_assn N)"  
      unfolding hm12_assn_def
      by auto
      notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = hm12_assn_def[symmetric] hm12_assn_fold' hm12_assn_fold''
      lemmas hm_empty_ref12 = hm_empty_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_empty_op'_aref]
      lemmas hm_insert_ref12 = hm_insert_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_insert_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_is_empty_ref12 = hm_is_empty_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_is_empty_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_the_lookup_ref12 = hm_the_lookup_impl_refine[FCOMP hm_the_lookup_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_contains_key_ref12 = hm_contains_key_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_contains_key_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_decrease_key_ref12 = hm_decrease_key_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_decrease_key_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_increase_key_ref12 = hm_increase_key_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_increase_key_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_change_key_ref12 = hm_change_key_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_change_key_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_set_ref12 = hm_set_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_set_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_pop_min_ref12 = hm_pop_min_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_pop_min_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_remove_ref12 = hm_remove_impl.refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def, FCOMP hm_remove_op_aref]
      lemmas hm_peek_min_ref12 = hm_peek_min_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_peek_min_op_aref]

    definition "hm_assn N  hr_comp (hm12_assn N) (nat_rel, Idmap_rel)"
    lemma hm_assn_fold': "hrr_comp nat_rel (λN. hm12_assn N) (λx. nat_rel, Idmap_rel) = (λN. hm_assn N)"
      by (auto simp: hm_assn_def fun_eq_iff)
      notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = hm_assn_def[symmetric] hm_assn_fold'
      (*lemmas hm_empty_hnr = hm_empty_ref12[FCOMP mop_hm_empty_fref]*)
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_empty_ref12 
        uses mop_hm_empty.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] fixes 'l by parametricity simp
        fixes N :: nat and Ni :: "'l word"
        assumes Ni_ref: "(Ni,N)snat_rel' TYPE('l)"
        lemma hm_empty_fixed_ref: 
          "(uncurry0 (hm_empty_impl Ni), uncurry0 (PR_CONST (mop_hm_empty_fixed N)))  [λ_. 4 < LENGTH('l)]a unit_assnk  hm12_assn N"
          apply rule
          apply (drule hfrefD[OF hm_empty_ref12, of N Ni])
          using Ni_ref
          by (simp_all add: pure_def)
        sepref_decl_impl (ismop,no_register) hm_empty_fixed: hm_empty_fixed_ref
          uses mop_hm_empty_fixed.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] fixes 'l by parametricity simp
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_insert_ref12 uses mop_map_update_new.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_is_empty_ref12 uses mop_map_is_empty.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_the_lookup_ref12 uses mop_map_the_lookup.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_contains_key_ref12 uses mop_map_contains_key.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_decrease_key_ref12 uses mop_pm_decrease_key.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_increase_key_ref12 uses mop_pm_increase_key.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_change_key_ref12 uses mop_map_update_ex.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_set_ref12 uses mop_map_update.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_pop_min_ref12 uses mop_pm_pop_min.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_remove_ref12 uses mop_map_delete_ex.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .
      sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_peek_min_ref12 uses mop_pm_peek_min.fref[where K=Id and V=Id] .

    HM: hm_impl id "snat_assn' TYPE('l)" "snat_assn' TYPE('l)" Mreturn ll_icmp_sle ll_icmp_slt "TYPE('l::len2)" 
           hm_empty_impl = HM.hm_empty_impl
       and hm_append_impl = HM.hm_append_impl
       and hm_insert_impl = HM.hm_insert_impl
       and hm_length_impl = HM.hm_length_impl
       and hm_swim_impl = HM.hm_swim_impl
       and hm_sink_impl = HM.hm_sink_impl
       and hm_is_empty_impl = HM.hm_is_empty_impl
       and hm_the_lookup_impl = HM.hm_the_lookup_impl
       and hm_contains_key_impl = HM.hm_contains_key_impl
       and hm_decrease_key_impl = HM.hm_decrease_key_impl
       and hm_increase_key_impl = HM.hm_increase_key_impl
       and hm_change_key_impl = HM.hm_change_key_impl
       and hm_parent_impl = HM.parent_impl
       and hm_parent_valid_impl = HM.parent_valid_impl
       and hm_next_child_impl = HM.hm_next_child_impl
       and hm_has_next_child_impl = HM.hm_has_next_child_impl
       and hm_left_child_impl = HM.hm_left_child_impl
       and hm_has_child_impl = HM.hm_has_child_impl
       and hm_repair_impl = HM.hm_repair_impl
       and hm_set_impl = HM.hm_set_impl
       and hm_pop_min_impl = HM.hm_pop_min_impl
       and hm_remove_impl = HM.hm_remove_impl
       and hm_peek_min_impl = HM.hm_peek_min_impl
       and hm_exch_impl = HM.hm_exch_impl
       and hm_update_impl = HM.hm_update_impl
       and hm_index_impl = HM.hm_index_impl
       and hm_prio_of_impl = HM.hm_prio_of_impl
       and hm_val_of_impl = HM.hm_val_of_impl
       and hm_key_of_impl = HM.hm_key_of_impl
       and hm_butlast_impl = HM.hm_butlast_impl
    apply unfold_locales
    apply (rule pure_pure)
    apply sepref
    apply sepref
    apply sepref
  type_synonym 'l heapmap = "'l ial × 'l word amt"  

  abbreviation hm_assn' where "hm_assn' TYPE('l::len2)  HM.hm_assn :: _  _  'l heapmap  _"
  schematic_goal [sepref_frame_free_rules]: "MK_FREE (HM.hm_assn N) (?fr)"
    unfolding HM.hm_assn_def HM.hm12_assn_def HM.hm2_assn_def
    by sepref_dbg_side_keep
  term  HM.hm_assn
  lemma hm_assn_intf[intf_of_assn]: 
    "intf_of_assn (HM.hm_assn N) (TYPE((nat,nat)i_map))"
    by simp
  lemmas [llvm_code,llvm_inline] = 

  lemmas [llvm_code] = 

  term HM.hm_prio_of_impl  
  thm HM.hm_prio_of_impl_def
    "hm_empty_impl :: _  32 heapmap llM"
    "hm_append_impl:: _  32 word  _"
    "hm_is_empty_impl :: 32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_the_lookup_impl :: _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_contains_key_impl :: _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_decrease_key_impl :: _  _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_increase_key_impl :: _  _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_change_key_impl :: _  _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_set_impl :: _  _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_pop_min_impl :: 32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_remove_impl :: _  32 heapmap  _"
    "hm_peek_min_impl :: 32 heapmap  _"
    file "heapmap.ll"

    fixes N Ni
    assumes NiREF: "(Ni,N)snat_rel' TYPE(32)"
    notes [sepref_fr_rules] = HM.hm_empty_fixed_hnr_mop[OF NiREF]
    (*notes [sepref_import_param] = NiREF
    notes [[sepref_register_adhoc N]]
    definition "snatb (x::nat)  x"
    lemma snatb_hnr: "(Mreturn,RETURN o snatb)  [λx. x<N]a snat_assnk  snatb_assn N"
      unfolding snatb_def
      by sepref_to_hoare vcg
    definition "heapmap_test  do {
      ASSERT (42<N);
      m  HM.mop_hm_empty_fixed N;
      m  mop_map_update (snatb 7)  (snatb 3) m;
      m  mop_map_update (snatb 6)  (snatb 2) m;
      m  mop_map_update (snatb 16) (snatb 1) m;
      (k,v)  mop_pm_peek_min id m;
      RETURN k
    sepref_definition heapmap_test_impl_aux is "uncurry0 heapmap_test" :: "unit_assnk a snat_assn' TYPE(32)"
      unfolding heapmap_test_def
      supply [sepref_fr_rules] = snatb_hnr
      apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(32)")
      by sepref

  concrete_definition heapmap_test_impl is heapmap_test_impl_aux_def
  declare heapmap_test_impl_def[llvm_code]
  export_llvm heapmap_test_impl
  lemma "(heapmap_test_impl_aux, heapmap_test)  snat_assnk a snat_assn"
    apply rule
    apply (rule hn_refine_preI)
    using heapmap_test_impl_aux.refine[to_hnr]
    by (simp add: pure_def sep_algebra_simps)